Friday, May 15, 2009

Demise of Dubai?

A BBC report has coined this 'Demise of Dubai?' Well it is not so. What is the big surprise? That a recession has hit Dubai? Why not? Dubai is maturing and the economy will expand and recess like all others. The Dubai leadership has done a wonderful experiment in building out of sand and a tiny fishing/trading port a metropolis of global dimensions. Congratulations.

What they need now is to look beyond:
  • How to sustain this metropolis?The first phase was the expansion stage, and I feel this was not checked enough but pushed to beyond the long term interest.
  • Is all the wonderful infrastructure built needed? For how long?
  • Medium and long term study of the size of Dubai?
  • Stricter control of any more expansion.
  • Provision of open spaces and more greenery to sustain a better quality of life.

Otherwise Dubai will be a big concrete jungle, underutilized, with a big infrastructure that cannot be fully supported. This will be a tragic ending for a noble, commendable experiment.


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