Friday, May 15, 2009

Demise of Dubai?

A BBC report has coined this 'Demise of Dubai?' Well it is not so. What is the big surprise? That a recession has hit Dubai? Why not? Dubai is maturing and the economy will expand and recess like all others. The Dubai leadership has done a wonderful experiment in building out of sand and a tiny fishing/trading port a metropolis of global dimensions. Congratulations.

What they need now is to look beyond:
  • How to sustain this metropolis?The first phase was the expansion stage, and I feel this was not checked enough but pushed to beyond the long term interest.
  • Is all the wonderful infrastructure built needed? For how long?
  • Medium and long term study of the size of Dubai?
  • Stricter control of any more expansion.
  • Provision of open spaces and more greenery to sustain a better quality of life.

Otherwise Dubai will be a big concrete jungle, underutilized, with a big infrastructure that cannot be fully supported. This will be a tragic ending for a noble, commendable experiment.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Views of a Minister on PIRACY

'The pirates are angry because their fishing grounds are looted by international trawlers, and their nets and livelihood is destroyed.' said a senior Minister in TNG of Somalia. What RUBBISH!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

President Zardari in Washington

President Zardari in Washington said: We asked for helicopters, night vision ... even dogs!

Come on, Mr. President why did you not ask for the DOG FOOD as well. It is time the US government bets on a different type of horse. For too long these shady ‘so called leaders’ were being propped by the US who spent a lot. What have been the results, failed states, which are taken over by extremists that strongly oppose the US!

It is time more representative leadership is supported and genuine dialogue is encouraged.